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Credit Where It Is Due.

As noted I'd ordered a plastic Death Jester from Triple Helix on the 12th it finally arrived on Saturday, I opened it up on Sunday and started putting the ruin on the stone

and as I start putting the Jester itself together I noticed that the face masks aren't on the sprue, as I cut it open myself they must be miscast. I put it aside and carried on with the Bright Stallion instead.

Fine work with a round file there.

It being Sunday nothing was done apart from an email to Triple Helix to confirm who to take this up with. This morning I rang GW customer services team anyway and was asked to send them a copy of the order email, which I did. Less than an hour later I had a reply that a replacement kit is on it's way to my front door and should be with me in 2 or 3 working days.
Great service as always from GW.

posted from Bloggeroid

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