Royal horseshoe farm Royal horses are treated like kings! The teeth are taken care of twice a year, the necessary corrections are made. 🔺 special shoes are being worn to keep their hooves intact. In the summer, her hair is washed and groomed twice a week with special shampoos. 🔺
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Royal horseshoe farm |
The breed is mated with horses so that their lineage does not deteriorate. While feeding, vitamin-added straws are kept at a certain height so that their skeletal systems are not damaged. There are special woven blankets for very harsh winter days.
- Narrator: this blueish liquid is one of the most expensive resources in the world. No, it's not the blue milk from "star wars."
- It's actually blood from a horseshoe crab, and the stuff this blood makes costs $60,000 a gallon. So why is it so expensive and who's buying horseshoe crab blood? The blue color comes from copper in the blood.
But that's not it's most interesting feature. The blood contains a special clotting agent. It's used to make a concoction called limulus amebocyte lysate or lal. Before lal, scientists had no easy way of knowing whether a vaccine or medical tool was contaminated with bacteria.
- Like e. Coli or salmonella. Scientists would inject vaccines into huge numbers of rabbits and then basically wait for symptoms to show up.
- But when lal was approved for use in 1970, it changed everything. Drop a minuscule amount of it onto a medical device or vaccine, and the lal will encase any gram-negative bacteria in a jelly cocoon. While it can't kill the bacteria, the jelly seal is like a fire alarm.
Alerting us to the presence of what could become a potentially lethal infection and prevent it from spreading. Each year, the medical industry catches around 600,000 horseshoe crabs. The crabs are drained of 30% of their blood and up to 30% of the crabs don't live through the process. The survivors are returned to the water, but no one really knows how well or if they recover. In 2016, the international union for the conservation of nature bumped the american horseshoe crab up to vulnerable on it's red list, one step below endangered.
And the us population could keep falling, by as much as 30% over the next 40 years.
- Lal labs claim that the returned crabs eventually recover, but new evidence suggests that's not always the case.
- Win watson is trying to figure out what happens to the crabs when they're put back in the sea.
- Narrator: bled crabs become disoriented and weak for a period of time, and females may have trouble spawning. - narrator: but it's getting through those two weeks that's the issue.
Narrator: scientists are trying to find a synthetic alternative to help reduce the strain on the horseshoe crab population. But so far, lal is still required by the fda for this type of testing. So if these animals really aren't recovering at the rate companies previously thought, we might eventually run out of crabs to bleed. If that happens, our lives and the lives of countless rabbits, might be at risk.
Dry weather has also impacted other animals as well feed prices have been so expensive that some owners are being forced to give up their horses problem is there's nowhere for those horses to go hannahs honors explains why times are really tough horses haven and howell is one of the biggest rescue farms for horses in the state we have 58 hooved animals on the property but even with 23 acres of land the farm.
- Ran by volunteers and donations can't afford to take care of any more horses we do have a waiting list that's about a hundred horses long and a couple years to get into horses haven and some of those horses live as far away as the u.P.
- this isn't the only place having this problem there are 20 other shelters just like this in michigan and all of them are full msu expert karen wait says this is always a problem in a tough economy but now mix with the drought the number of orphaned horses is overwhelming feed prices are going up even a third to a half .
- And now that many owners can't find anyone to take their pets they are resorting to abandoning them or having them slaughtered abandonment being the cheaper option of the two since the closest slaughtering plant is in canada there's no easy solution there's no easy place to look to try to solve the problem and the number of horses left starving could climb higher for folks who haven't taken the time to try to figure out what they are going to do.
- We could see increased issues as the winter progresses in the meantime rescue farms are in need of donations and quick if people can't donate to come out and help you know that system there's such a need for it even if it's just to keep a lonely horse company.
The eight best honshu cents let's get started with the list starting of our list at number eight the on shoes of the crown sporting goods professionals that are made with exceptional quality and can stand up to years of heavy use without ever fracturing or chipping the paint unfortunately the same cannot be said of the carrying case which is flimsy it's bright colors make it easily identifiable and it's designed to be safe and unique however some sets don't include instructions .
At number seven the champion sport steel set comes in a rugged plastic carrying and storage case so you don't have to worry about your shoes being damaged when taking them to playing areas it's a great set for adults but kids may find that two and a half pound shoes too heavy it includes game rules and 24 inch solid steel stakes but the shoes tend to break with extensive use coming in .
At number 6 on our list the sam pierre presidential additional shoe set comes in a charming wooden box that makes it a great gift from a shoe lovers the shoes are made with a specially created tip that circles the state well with better balance and has a heavier fall than many others the shoes don't degrade from sun exposure and they were handsome silver and gold finish however the stakes are too short to see all this stuff got a wicked easybib.Com and search for horseshoe sets or click beneath this video .
At number five the bright red and blue horseshoes of the coast athletic deluxe are easily identifiable so there's never any question about whose is whose the shoes are the official size and weight and the impact resistant plastic stakes stand up to regular use for years this set was designed for outdoor use only and won't rust or corrode if left outdoors but it is tough to get the spikes in the ground halfway up our list .
At number five if your kids want to play horseshoes but struggle with the weight of a full-size set the null of course again pop out is the answer there are softer version of standards on shoes making them fun and sink the children even those who throw a bit wild it can help kids develop hand-eye coordination and comes with a pop out whole shoe print as well as a storage and travel bag nearing the top of our list .
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At number three a sam pierre were original championship series is a go-to for serious players everywhere it's a quality set that's ideal for backyard barbecues and includes everything needed for up to four players pass the shoes have a non-slip coating reducing pore launches they come in a patriotic red and blue color and are made in the united states this set is nhpa approved to be the official size and weight .
At number two don't let cold or rainy weather stop the fun with the champion sponsor you can play a game inside or out any time of the year because the horseshoes are made from rubber instead of steel and it comes with rubber mats to protect your floor from dings it's lightweight enough for kids to play and the plastics tanks can be used outdoors it's great for camping trips and coming in .
At number one on our list the vives all set is a great gift for the die-hard horseshoe enthusiast it's handsome and classic and design right down to the wooden carrying case and comes with hardy forged steel horseshoes covered with a rust-proof coating for long-lasting durability it features protective foam padding in the case stakes that are easy to install in the ground and a built-in bottle opener in the case to see all their stuff got a wikidot easybib.Com and search for horseshoe sets or click beneath this video.
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