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'Interstellar' Review

Nominated for: Best Original Score, Best Production Design, Best Visual Effects, Best Sound Editing, and Best Sound Mixing.
Won: Best Visual Effects.

I saw Interstellar on Saturday, but thought I would wait till I was more caught up with my other reviews before posting my thoughts on the new Christopher Nolan film. Some say it's similar to Gravity, but it's very different, and I didn't really like Gravity so I thought this film was much better! While it seems like the response to this film has been mixed, I really enjoyed it! This is by no means Christopher Nolan's best film but in my opinion it's one of the better Nolan films. I have very few problems with the film, and wouldn't be surprised if it got at least a few technical nominations at the next Oscars. The acting in the film is great! Matthew McConaughey and Jessica Chastain give great performances and Bill Irwin does some wonderful voice acting for a robot named Tars, who was probably one of my favorite characters in the film. Anne Hathaway had a small role but she did well with what she was given. However the film is almost 3 hours long, so it seems very long in some scenes. I have seen a lot of people complain about not understanding some of the science of the film or the ending, but I didn't have any problems with that aspect of the film and actually liked the ending! Overall this film is definitely worth the trip to the theater and if you have the chance, I'd see it in IMAX!

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