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Bonding with your BFF is always fun!

I'm not really big on blogger events but yesterday, i decided to attend one together with my friend. It was a great affair that gave me a chance to be able to meet some bloggers. It was an event by Clean & Clear for the launching of their facebook application.

It was a pretty fun event.

It was held at T.G.I. Fridays at SM Mall of Asia. We arrived there at around 11:45 & we only had to wait for a couple of minutes before it started.

Camwhoring while waiting...hehehe

Then it started... they told us about their current FB application which is actually pretty nifty. You ought to try it. You can make a scrapbook of you & your BFFs activity which could actually give you a chance to win big prizes! That's why i encourage you to click the 1st pic of this post & join Clean & Clear Philippines.

Nica of Clean & Clear Philippines is explaining about how our best friends share a big part of our life...which is entirely true,ne?

Then more info about their FB application.

So, the main event for us bloggers is that we will be given 2 hours to complete 8 tasks then upload it on their application. It is like a contest of sort for the winneing pair will get to receive IPADs. Isn't that nice?

Before they let us off, they served us lunch first..

Then we're off!
Honestly, i think 2 hours is such a short time to complete 8 tasks, but we're up for the challenge! 

So, Kite & I were completely clueless as to how we would accomplish it. We just decided to do whatever we want to do & let things take place.

We were just strolling around the mall while talking about random things & taking pictures of things that interests us... like this one for example..

What do you think is this?
take a guess!
an aquarium full of spongebob shells?
not exactly..

Those are actually hermit crabs!

The shells of the hermit crabs had designs like Spongebob or even Dora the Explorer!

How's that for a pet?

You can already feel the Christmas spirit in the mall for you can already see Christmas decorations being sold at almost everywhere!

At the heart of MOA Entertainment building...

I'm excited for Christmas!

Strolling with your girlfriend is fun because it doesn't matter how silly you become~

Darth Vader & Afro-dite..hehehe
Kite calls herself afro-dite because of her hair..hehe

I suggested that we try going to arcade together since we haven't done it yet.

We enjoyed playing at the Go Go Ball machine where you have to throw the balls with all your might at the screen to kill mosquitoes, aliens, wake children, etc,... hehehe I love this game for it is a really good stress buster!

Taking pictures at Timezone is prohibited but since we're hard headed we managed to sneak out my camera for a quick shot.. thank goodness for the timer option! Is it obvious that i am having so much fun?!

Trying my luck out at the UFO Catcher....

Well, my luck had already ran out.. hehe... i came up with nothing!

I think i threw my luck away when i was so busy throwing balls at the Gogo Balls Machine! XD

We didn't notice the time & we only had an hour left... ekkk!
I just said that we ought to get our nails done so we went to Beauty & Butter.

Their salon looks so cute with a good combination of colors! I don't think i can use relaxing to describe their salon, but it is indeed refreshing compare to the usual salons that opts for neutral colors. I think i rather like it here!

All pampered & comfy while getting our nails done! Since i am used to having nail arts, i just let Kite choose the design for both of us...

Their nail technicians are really friendly & very gentle too.

This is the design that Kite choose for us...

I have to admit that this one is hard because of all the colors that are in there. That's why it took an hour & a half to get it done!

We didn't have enough time to finish the tasks for it was already the call time so we hurried to T.G.I Fridays to complete it. It's supposed to be uploaded to their FB application but since we can't connect to their Wifi, they just told us to put it in a document with captions detailing how we spent our time...

I met Sis Sol of Digital Traincase while she is also busy compiling their pictures together with her BFF Ria (did i get it right?). I got excited that i greet her with a peck on the cheek even though i haven't even introduced myself yet...hehe

Gomen nasai, Sis Sol.
My excitement took the better part of my manners yesterday.

Bloggers all gathered together while we await for the result.

The winner was announced but i wasn't able to take a picture of them since people flocked them already & i was in the far part of the room. I wasn't even able to catch their names. Congratulations to the winners!

Last picture of the day~!

Was so happy i was grinning like a fool..hehe...but it doesn't matter! That's a part of my arm on the right side of the pic for i have to get rid of Kite's hair blocking my face. XD

I remember what Nica of Clean & Clear Philippines said about best friends... Our best friends is a part of our life, we share almost everything with them. I'm so happy that i was able to find good friends in my life. I'm so thankful to God for giving me wonderful people that are always there to share my life's ups & downs.

Whose hand is who?
It doesn't matter.. for this is what we call friendship~

Well, that's how it went with my Saturday event...
It was a fun experience being able to do things together with Kite for i love bonding with my GFs.

I did a little bit of hauling but i'll just do a separate post about it at my next post & i'm about to announce the winner for my giveaway too most probably tomorrow!

Hope y'all have a great day!

Make sure that you join the Clean & Clear Philippines page & make your own scrapbook for you can have the chance to win their contest. BIG PRIZES awaits the lucky pair!

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