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Joseph Gordon-Levitt Is A DETAILED Man

Joseph Gordon-Levitt gets fancy and suits up in some fine Burberry threads for the August 2010 cover of Details magazine!

On if he was frustrated after 3rd Rock From The Sun... “I would answer that question with a resounding yes. I was scared and depressed for a while. Not that I had any reason to f–king be depressed—I mean, I was going to college and everything. It was not like I was hungry. But absolutely. I was like, ‘S–t, I don’t know if anybody’s gonna let me act. They’ll let me be in another sitcom, but I don’t want to do that. This is terrible.’ Yeah.”

On curbing his pot smoking...“When I was in high school, I loved smoking weed. I loved it. But I cut myself to once a month. That was my rule. And so as the first of the month came closer, my friends would be like, ‘All right, what’s the plan this weekend?’ And actually it’s really cool—when you do it that infrequently, you can really trip. In hindsight, could I have smoked weed on the weekends? Yeah. But it was cool to do it once a month. I still do that sometimes—I go on little weedfests. I’m a pothead. That’s my drug of choice.”

On tabloid culture being toxic... “It’s a bunch of bulls—, a waste of time. It depresses me. And I’m not easily depressed. When I’m at the grocery store, those magazines—they always suck me in. I go, ‘I can’t f–kin’ believe that this is what we’re looking at.’ It’s really sad. Why shouldn’t there be beautiful works of art on the grocery stands? Like Bob Dylan said, you know, art doesn’t belong in museums, it belongs in gas stations… Even in a purely selfish way, I would absolutely argue that you are bringing bad sh– your way by consuming and enjoying that kind of hostility.”

On one day being hunted down by paparazzi... “Look, I’ve met some nice guys who take pictures like that. I don’t want to demonize anybody. But I do think that this notion that certain people are in a higher class than other people is unhealthy. We would be healthier as a people if we quit paying attention to that kind of bulls–t and paid more attention to more pertinent things and more beautiful things.”

For thee entire article visit Details.com!

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