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International Women's Day- Let Make a Difference

My latest post featured a new insight into a hot new relationship.... with mascara of course. Yes, it was I that compared a perfume to a kid screaming on a roller coaster. Despite my quirky insights to the world of beauty I thought we would get real today.

What I've always loved about beauty community besides the great pictures, fun reviews and artistic tutorials is the idea of women supporting women. When you think about it what other opportunity lives do we get a chance to freely compliment and support one another? I'm not going to start burning my bra but at the core of it, we are doing a great thing here.

I was contacted by Canadian Hunger Foundation, to write about women supporting women. The Canadian Hunger Foundation currently embarking on a massive movement called the Shea Butter Start-Up Business Kit. This campaign focuses on women Ghana and gives them the tools to produce and sell Shea butter. In Ghana the production of Shea butter is exclusively reserved to women and is even called “women’s gold”.  So by giving this gift you’re not only helping two women find an income, but your actually empowering these ladies to have exclusive control over the product they’ve manufactured.

I think that women are the world’s most untapped resource. So this International Women’s Day let’s rock that bold lipstick, pair of power heals and focus on empowerment.  Ladies we have the power to change the world, one woman at a time.

For more information you can see here
If you would like to make a donation you can go here

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